I have a plan of 200 mbps and it works well in all of my electronics (Phones, Laptops, etc) including my Linux partition on this same PC. But on Windows the browsing and downloading speed is usually not over 70 KBps but when downloading using Free Download Manager it speeds up to 8 MBps.

This PC has a MSI Mortar Motherboard for 12th gen Intel (Don't have the part number accessible at). I have tried reinstalling drivers, configuring DNS, using a VPN, etc, etc. But I cannot get the internet to work. Using Windows 11.


1 Answer 1


You state "browsing and downloading speed is usually not over 70 KBps," ~800 kb/s, which is very slow, if you have a plan for 200 Mb/s.

  1. How did you determine that speed? Relying on throughput from a site or two is deceptive, because the site might be throttling the connection, not your ISP, PC limitations, or browser. Use a service such as SpeedOfMe or SpeedtTest to determine the actual connection speed.

  2. Since Free Download Manager opens multiple download processes in parallel, the download speed is not as limited by a website throttling a data stream -- ten streams, each at 800 kb/s, is equivalent to a total throughput of ~8 Mb/s. This is a strong indication the website only allows limited throughput per stream.

    This is made clear in the qBittorrent interface. The screenshot below was made downloading Ubuntu.

    qBittorent download multiple connections

    Note that qBittorent has made 43 simultaneous connections, each averaging ~40 kb/s (~0.5 MB/s). This again shows that neither my ISP nor physical limitations of the PC are causing each connection to be slow, but that the torrent hosts throttle their output. Notice also how the progress bar is broken into 43 segments, with each part gleaned from a peer connection. FDM works he same way, though it might not display the 'gubbins' in detail.

  • I understand your concern but I did use different bandwidth speed test. I used fast.com, speedtest.net and nperf.com all of which turn a result of around 150 kbps.
    – egroj97
    Commented Apr 14, 2023 at 13:31
  • @egroj97, That is 1/10,000 the speed for your plan. Yes, the issue seems to be with Windows OS setup on that PC. You might try reinstalling Windows 11 from ISO, or even upgrading (since Win 11 removed some features) to Win 10. Commented Apr 14, 2023 at 20:50

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