Is there a simple way to install a new version of GNU make on centos 7? similar to the devtoolset-8.

Or is there only the manual way (download the tar)

1 Answer 1


CentOS 7 has since since 2020-08-06 passed from "Full updates" to "Maintenance updates".

This is defined as:

Maintenance Updates

Following the “Full Updates” phase, the “Maintenance Updates” phase provided only security errata critical bug fixes for the version. This phase would last for around 4 years, after which the version would enter end of life.

As the update to the latest GNU make is not counted as a "critical bug fix", you won't find the latest version in the repository.

You won't find official releases, but you might be able to find privately compiled versions on the internet.

  • 1
    I'm aware that it is not on the "official" repository, but there is something like the devtoolset-8 which is a new version of the GCC which is also not critical.. But then I will try to do a manual install
    – nobs
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 11:47

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