I'n trying to set up an IP Cam with alternative Firmware, but can´t find Wi-Fi Net Adapter.

How to find and configure it with this hardware?

  • OS: OpenIPC
  • Cam: Jennov, P31
  • Wireless Net Adapter: AltoBeam 6012B, USB on board Chip.
  • LAN: No
  • USB: No
  • lshw and rfkill commands are not available.
  • SSH: Yes, PuTTY
  • root: Yes.
  • AltoBeam has poor or nonexistent Linux support. And OpenIPC isn't a normal Linux distro. If it doesn't have the driver already it's almost impossible to install it manually so, forget it. Commented Apr 3, 2023 at 2:42

1 Answer 1


This is a xiongmai camera.

Work in progress driver - https://github.com/OpenIPC/atbm_60xx

For now you have to use binary modules ripped from original firmware image - https://github.com/OpenIPC/wiki/blob/master/en/wifi-xm530.md

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    Commented Apr 9, 2023 at 9:58

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