I'm trying to get HTTPS to work on a new Collab.net Subversion Edge server deployed on a Windows environment. It currently serves the site in HTTPS but is using the default self-signed cert.

I located a cert folder in C:\csvn\data\certs. After replacing the following certs with my Wildcard ones (renamed mine to match the existing names). I restarted the CollabNet Subversion Server service (Description says Apache), then rebooted the machine. The site is still utilizing the svnedge.collab.net cert.

  • cloud_services_root_ca.crt
  • svnedge.crt

The documentation is lacking on how to install a cert. It mentions the self-signed cert and purchasing one, but not how to install it.

What am I doing wrong and/or where should I be putting my certs? Also, I did not touch the svnedge.key. Should I be generating a new one of those?

  • There is no lack of documentation : random example.
    – harrymc
    Commented Mar 28, 2023 at 18:58
  • 1
    @harrymc That documentation doesn't help with this problem. Commented Sep 1, 2023 at 4:04
  • Blog posting dealing with configuring Subversion Edge wrapper with a proper certificate. Commented Sep 1, 2023 at 4:05

2 Answers 2


I had the same problem and yes the documentation for this is crap. The CollabNet Subversion Server service that runs the underlying Apache instance stores the certificates here:


I put my wildcard ssl (server.crt, server.key and server.ca) in this location (replace existing) then restarted the CollabNet Subversion Server service.


How to Update an Expired Subversion Edge Server Security Certificate

  1. Stop both CollaNet SVN Edge and CollabNet SVN Server services

  2. The default self-signed svnedge.jks (JKS File type) and svnedge-ssl config file are in C:\csvn\appserver\etc

  3. Create new svnedge.jks for your server (use full server CN)

  4. Rename the expired svnedge.jks to svnedge.jks.bak and save a backup copy of the svnedge-ssl file

  5. Edit the svnedge-ssl file to update default ssl port to "4434" -

  6. Deploy the new svnedge.jks to C:\csvn\appserver\etc

  7. Restart both services

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