It's been over 20 years since I've used MS Word, but I've been pressed into duty writing a document for a family member. There are a few things I've forgotten how to do. I'm a bit stuck and I'm requesting some help.

I'm trying to build a TOC in MS Word, but I'm having problems restricting my TOC to only keywords; it instead includes the text in the body of my document.

Here's what I'm working with:

   1.1 Alpha. "Alpha" shall mean blah blah blah. 
   1.2 Bravo. “Bravo” shall mean blah blah blah. 
   1.3 Charlie. "Charlie" shall mean blah blah blah.

I want this:

ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS............................... Page 1
   1.1 Alpha.......................................... Page 1 
   1.2 Bravo.......................................... Page 1
   1.3 Charlie........................................ Page 1

But I end up with this:

ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS............................... Page 1
   1.1 Alpha. "Alpha" shall mean blah blah blah....... Page 1
   1.2 Bravo. “Bravo” shall mean blah blah blah....... Page 1
   1.3 Charlie. "Charlie" shall mean blah blah blah... Page 1

I don't want the verbiage listed behind each keyword (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie) appearing in the TOC.

Hopefully, there's a simple way of doing this. I've looked through the web and could not find a solution, probably because I couldn't adequately describe my issue in a search box.

Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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