For the term of "last used directory" in Notepad++ I have these questions:

  1. What is the exact meaning of in?
  2. Exactly which directory will be taken as that each time?
  3. When exactly Notepad++ changes this and to what value it sets this?

Or, please, explain what is that I don't understand in the following scenario.


  1. Set SettingsPreferencesDefault DirectoryDefault Open/Save file Directory to Remember last used directory
  2. Close and reopen Notepad++
  3. Type anything and press Ctrl+S
  4. Observe that the directory is set to C:\Program Files\Notepad++
  5. Change it to something else (C:\Trash in my case)
  6. Close and reopen Notepad++
  7. Type anything and press Ctrl+S
  8. Observe that the directory is still set to C:\Program Files\Notepad++
  9. Repeat steps 5-8 until the cold death of the universe.

What am I missing here? If my "last save operation" changed directory to C:\Trash then why Notepad++ is not using it as the "last used directory"?


1 Answer 1


This is a known issue with Notepad++. It was previously resolved but it seems to be a problem once again as shown in these threads from Notepad++ community forum and Github respectively:

Notepad++ does not remember last used directory

"Default Directory" preference no longer works since the 7.95 release #9767

The possible fix that you can try/use for now is either:

  1. To wait for the developer(s) to solve the problem
  2. To find and use and older version of Notepad++

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