If I need to suppress my WLAN interface from probing and being probed whenever I start up Kali, what is the right way to keep wlan0 down on startup.

I tried inserting a bash script below to the file /etc/crontab, but it is not working (wlan0 is still on automatically on startup and even connect to a Wifi).

#! /bin/sh

service NetworkManager stop
airmon-ng check kill

1 Answer 1


Do this with init.d and rc.d

  1. sudo nano ~/etc/init.d/wlan0-down

  2. put this in it

    ifconfig wlan0 down
    exit 0
  3. sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/wlan0-down

  4. sudo update-rc.d wlan0-down defaults

That should shutdown wlan0 (or whatever you replace that with) at startup.

  • Thanks for the answer. But it does not seem to work. The wlan0 is still up at startup and even auto-connect to a Wifi AP nearby. Commented Feb 14, 2023 at 2:06

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