My Windows 8.1 hard drive does loud things for the entire night. How can I put it to a softest sleep which would remedy this, without fearing to loose any data?

I really do not know what it is doing.

Anyway, hibernating it is too deep, something lighter would help. What software should I download?


1 Answer 1


You can change the power plan. This is for Windows 10, but there should be a similar spot in Windows 8.

  1. click on Windows icon on taskbar
  2. Type in Power
  3. Click on Edit Power Setting
  4. Click on Change advanced power settings
  5. Change the Turn off hard disk after settings to suit

enter image description here

  • It works, but I have two more issues on this: after awaking the HDD my Internet connection is lost and I need to reboot the entire system Windows 8. Also I doubt whether my WD Goden HDD drive will not be "shocked" by switching it on and off every night and thus reducing its lifetime. Commented Feb 3, 2023 at 17:36

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