I am trying to establish a TCP connection and sending packets over a python socket server-client. I am using Windows 10 as my main system and VM Kali-Linux on the other side

I used Windows as a client and as a server, same for Linux.

The error occurs when I try to establish the connection, it throws error on Windows and just stops forever in Linux.

I checked the specified port with nmap in both sides, where:

windows side as client: 
9119/tcp  closed    mxit

linux side as client:
9119/tcp  filtered  mxit

When I scan the ports in the same system which hosts, the port is correctly open and I can send packets through it.

Is this a case of me taking no notice of something or is it more complex to send packets between different OSes?

If requested, I can paste the code but I am sure not doing anything wrong and it is just very simple code.

Some help or ideas to try solve this?

Update: Using VMware bridged connection. I have correct internet connection on both systems and also can I created a web server and open them in the other system.

Firewall is disabled.


1 Answer 1


I solved it changing the IP where was opening the port. I was using and changed it to

I realized it because when I tried to scan my own IP address (not, but which is recognized by the network e.g 192.168.0.*) it shows the port closed too.


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