I'd like to use the PlayStation media player (the one with SoundScope) on a modern operating system (GNU/Linux) instead of the default player.

Is it possible?

Note: this Q&A has been moved from retrocomputing.

1 Answer 1


Yes, check soundscope-player (source, AUR).

It's a Python program that creates audio CDR (.bin + .cue) images on the fly (using mkaudiocdrimg, a little python wrapper for shntool I also wrote) from input files and feeds them to duckstation.

It uses GtkFileChooserDialog for handling opening a media source when launching the program from the overview.

Unless through AUR, you need to provide a PlayStation bios manually to run the application correctly.

It can be easily built on Windows using msys2+mingw, since the AUR recipe is easily adapted.

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