• TextMate version 2.0.23
  • MacOS 12.4 (21F79)

The default behavior for Python COMMENTS in TextMate2 seems to be to "soft wrap" (and also indent):

enter image description here

I do not want this behavior. I want to disable soft wrap entirely -- EVEN IN COMMENTS.

I already have soft wrap disabled for Python in my .tm_properties:

softWrap = false

[ *.* ]
softWrap = false

[ *.py ]
softWrap = false

[ *.txt ]
softWrap = false

[ text ]
softWrap = false

[ source ]
softWrap = false

This successfully disables soft wrap within normal Python code. But the soft wrap within Python COMMENTS remains enabled.

I not only want to disable soft wrap in regular Python code, but I also want to disable soft wrap in Python COMMENTS.

How do I disable this default(?) "soft wrap in Python comments" behavior?


1 Answer 1


It turns out there is a separate setting for softWrap (& in this case indentedSoftWrap) for all source code comments beginning with a #, separate from the Python settings (which seems confusing and unnecessary, but oh well).

To turn off (indented) soft wrap in Python comments, you must:

  1. Main Menu > Bundles > Edit Bundles…
  2. In the Bundles browser, select: Source > Settings > Style: Line Comments - Number-sign
  3. On the right-hand side deselect the checkbox: "Enable this Item"
  4. Close and re-open your file.

Now the Python comments should no longer be soft wrapped.

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