What is the problem Windows taskbar freezes (infinite loading cursor) when USB Switch is plugged in while turning on the PC. I've checked this USB port with other devices and the error does not occur for them.

1 Answer 1


When a machine (PC or other device) boots or when a USB device is plugged into the PC, the device has to identify itself to the PC by type, e.g., flash storage, hub, keyboard or printer. It might be that the PC cannot natively handle type USB Switch, and is looking for a driver (which would be available after the OS has booted).

It could also be that the USB identification is faulty, or even contains malware! For example, a USB mouse might intentionally misidentify itself as a mouse and keyboard, and then through embedded code "type" on the keyboard to execute malicious code. This is not a likely scenario, though, more for targeted attack.

  • Thank you for your quick and an extended response! Could you please then provide me some details how can I investigate this thing?
    – Rechu
    Commented Oct 13, 2022 at 14:56
  • There's not much one can do without forensic software and hardware to check if the USB has malware; but I believe the more likely issue is that the drivers are not active until the PC boots. It doesn't solve the issue, just means that every time you perform a full shutdown, also unplug the switch. Commented Oct 13, 2022 at 19:51
  • Yeah I guess I will have to live with that. However thank you for the clues.
    – Rechu
    Commented Oct 14, 2022 at 8:10

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