I have a Lenovo i5 Laptop. There is always a UNCServer process running. Is there some way to identify what that process is doing? Some details of my laptop (from System info):

  • Windows 10 Home Build 19044
  • 2Tb hard drive
  • 8 Gb ram
  • Page File Space 5gb
  • Total Physical Mem 7.88Gb
  • Availablye Physical Mem 3.70Gb
  • Total Virtual Mem 12.9Gb
  • Available Virtual Mem 7.16

I have also noticed that Task Manager reports very high (90-100%) disk usage, and response is sluggish. Are these related? The hard drive was replaced not very long ago so should be in good condition. Note that these numbers are after a reboot, with no additional programs runnning. Appreciate your help.


2 Answers 2


A quick google search reveals that UNCServer.exe is a Lenovo update utility.

I myself check the manufacturers website manually for updates every few months, so I don't rely on these kind of tools.

You can uninstall it to save resources.


Here is a more detailed answer with references for future readers:

The UNC Server is part of the Lenovo System Update application.

UNC is an abbreviation of the Universal Naming Convention and is present on your Lenovo computer to check for updates. (https://www.thewindowsclub.com/what-is-uncserver-exe)

The UNCServer.exe and tvsu.exe (Lenovo System Update) files should be located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\System Update

If you're uncomfortable about the Lenovo System Update software, you can try running an anti-virus scan and if it's undesired on your system, you can even safely uninstall it.

Additional details and uninstall instructions here: https://www.partitionwizard.com/clone-disk/uncserver.html

  • Regarding high disk usage, my personal opinion is that this Lenovo application is probably unoptimized and could be the culprit, but it's also likely to be some other background process.
    – olijake
    Commented Oct 11, 2023 at 16:53

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