I have a csv of data that exists as a hierarchy.

ColumnA = Parent
ColumnB = Child

There may be multiple children per parent.

I would like to convert the excel data to a bullet list hierarchy. (if there's a different name for the bullet list that I'm after please let me know - that could be why my searches have been no good).


Excel Columns to Bullet List

I have thousands of rows and do not want to manually copy paste into the bullet list.

I'm hoping there's some kind of transpose option I just cant figure out. Also if Excel/Word don't have it but something else does, I'm open to that as well.

  • Using any of the answers below, then you could use a formula to get your bullets and further indent the Children using a formula such as: `=IF(LEFT(F3,1)="P",CONCAT(CHAR(149),F3),CONCAT(" ",CHAR(149),F3))
    – Isolated
    Commented Sep 16, 2022 at 20:52

2 Answers 2


A pivot table may do what you want:

Original table:

enter image description here

Pivot table:

enter image description here


Build the "result" in helper columns, e.g. C and D:

If the A-column on a row has the same content as on the row above, don't display it, but on any error - DO display A1.

That last thing enables seeing $A$1 in $C$1, but may cause odd results further down, so maybe use IF(CELL("address",A1)="A1",A1,"ERROR!") instead of just A1
... after the last , before the last ).
Formulas without this last check shown below.

Select C1, D1; Copy down

Want it in a single column?
=C1 & CHAR(9) & D1
Copy down.
Copy and Paste column E into Word, select all rows, set it to be a bulleted list.

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