I use this site as an example https://www.bennish.net/web-notifications.html

In Chrome and old versions of Edge, the notifications will look like this:

enter image description here

The title is Chrome and the bottom shows the website.

But in Edge, the notifications look like this:

enter image description here

The title is the website and the bottom says "via Microsoft Edge".

As a result, the website will be shown in Notifications setting panel like a single app: enter image description here

What's worse, when I click the notifications to open the site, the URL will look like this:

enter image description here

A very strange URL and cannot be opened at all.

And a Twitter Notification will look like this


while the actual URL is

  • What did you click on to get the incorrect URL? When I click on the notification itself it does nothing except shows "Clicked" on the site. Commented Aug 8, 2022 at 17:56

1 Answer 1


I have solved the problem.

It's a bug of Edge 104.0.1293.47 Discussion on Microsoft Tech Community

The solution to this problem is as follows

  1. Open edge://flags/
  2. Disable Toast Notification Background Task Event Handlers

Then the update of push notification will be rolled back.

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