I have dual boot, and additionally I want to be able to run Windows 7 (that installed directly on hard disk) over Linux (CentOS 5.5), but my processor doesn't support Intel VT (hardware virtualization).
I try Xen, but it doesn't work because I think it may use only hardware virtualization.
Windows 7 is closed source, so I cannot use para-virtualization. So only thing is full virtualization (application virtualization, dynamic translation) but it seems to work very slowly and only tool I know for this is VMWare, but it proprietary and I want something free.

May you suggest my the best way to virtualize installed on hard disk Windows 7 on Linux with open source program?
Thank you for ahead.

  • what cpu do you have? Commented Aug 7, 2010 at 12:41

2 Answers 2


Virtual Box is free software (well, the free version is free) and should work in this case. There is also a zero-cost version based on free version on the same site.

  • @Rodnower You may want to reconsider accepting this answer! At the moment I can't find a way to run system installed on HDD from VirutalBox. I heard that it was possible, but now that I decided to check, I can't see that option anywhere. Sorry.
    – AndrejaKo
    Commented Aug 7, 2010 at 13:26

You may need to create a VHD of the Windows 7 installation first in order to get it to work in VirtualBox.


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