The title says it all. Basically, I want to stop specific minimized programs in the background from running, for example, a high-CPU program minimized while I work on Firefox. How may I do this on Windows 10?

1 Answer 1


You can "suspend" applications using the Sysinternals tool PsSuspend (command line) or using Resource Monitor or even Process Explorer(GUI).

For PsSuspend:

Running PsSuspend with a process ID directs it to suspend or resume the process of that ID on the local computer. If you specify a process name PsSuspend will suspend or resume all processes that have that name. Specify the -r switch to resume suspended processes.

Usage: pssuspend [- ] [-r] [\computer [-u username] [-p password]] <process name | process id>

Or in Process Explorer you can right click a process to suspend it. (Image from HowToGeek)

enter image description here

  • But can you make PsSuspend to suspend an app until you come back to it? Commented Jul 13, 2022 at 21:18
  • @redbackspider you can suspend it until you resume it with pssuspend -r <processName>.
    – Mokubai
    Commented Jul 13, 2022 at 21:32

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