I use a Windows 10 computer and I have installed the Ubuntu app from the Microsoft store. I have a mapped network drive on my Windows computer that I would like to access from within the Ubuntu app. How do I do this?

I am able to find folders on my Windows computer in the Ubuntu app by typing cd /mnt/c/Users/Name/Desktop, for example, but I am not sure how to find the mapped network drive from within the Ubuntu app or if this is even possible. I have very large files on the mapped network drive that I would like to use as inputs for a python program on my computer, but I am not sure if it is possible to do this.

2 Answers 2


Try the following:

  1. map the network drive on Windows, e.g. as drive T:
  2. start the WSL2 system
  3. create a mount point
sudo mkdir /mnt/t
  1. mount the mapped network drive
sudo mount -t drvfs T: /mnt/t
  • Is there a way to make this permanent? When I close out of the WSL2 terminal the drive is no longer mounted and I have to reinput the second command each time Commented Jun 15, 2022 at 17:49

Found the answer in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZEAQwXzTsA

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