I want to install g++ so I can compile and run C++ code in VScode.

I started by trying to follow the VSCode-provided guide which states I need to install mysys.

I tried installing msys2 per the given instructions, but running g++ --version in Command Prompt returned 'g++' is not recognized.

I then tried adding C:\msys64\mingw64\bin to the Path variable under 'User Variables for Solebay' (Windows 11, System>About>Advanced System Settings>Environment Variables). g++ was still not found.

Second approach:

As seen here I tried unzipping MinGW64.zip directly into C:\ as well as adding C:\MinGW64\bin to my path. Again, g++ is not recognised.

This was easy on Ubuntu but I'm lost with Windows. What on earth am I doing?

1 Answer 1


You have to run..

pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain

..in msys after it is installed.

You may need to start a new project or restart the computer to instigate changes in VScode.

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