I recently changed my pc and I was always using the press tab to search on a site feature of chrome. I imported all my settings through the google account thingy but for whatever reason I was missing the google images search. I looked through the search engine shortcuts and the one for images.google.com was disabled. I enabled it and I thought that was the end of it but it keeps auto disabling and I have no idea why. It's beyond frustrating and I was unable to find any solution for it. How do I stop it from auto disabling?

  • Same Problem with other search engine since beginning of the year. Seems like they won't fix it. Time to go back to Firefox.
    – Gobliins
    Commented Sep 26, 2022 at 6:51
  • It benefits Google financially, if people use Google more often instead of search engine shortcuts (which often lead to non-google websites)
    – ssppjj
    Commented Sep 30, 2022 at 17:26

1 Answer 1


Well, its called a omnibox. Its like a magic feature.

Well, you can try this : How to add Omnibox search

or this reddit post if you if that's more comfortable

Well , Sadly it works sometimes and other times it does not.

To make it work consistently, I suggest adding the website in question like for example Twitter as search engine

To do that:

  • Go to chrome://settings/searchEngines

  • Add new Search Engine Adding new Search Engine

  • For Search engine, add the name of the site; for example, Twitter.

  • For Keyword, you can use anything you want. Google's defaults tend to use the URL; for example, twitter.com.

  • The URL is a little more complicated but not that bad. Go to the site you're creating a search engine for, then search for something. I like to use something easy to spot, like asdf

  • Click Add, and you're done. You've added a custom search engine to Chrome. Now type your keyword in the address bar to see the text Press Tab to search twitter.com.

  • Press Tab or Space to search as you would.

Keep in mind this solution requires to manually add your search engines.


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