I've been able to find on the Web instructions for WORD 365 explaining how to replace all the URLs in a WORD document with corresponding active hyperlinks, by means of a single editing action. They are at:


This is done by adding the AutoFormat command to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

However I can't find how to achieve the equivalent effect in Microsoft WORD for Mac, which seems to have rather different menu commands and options.

Suggestions please.

1 Answer 1


I do not have a Mac.

AutoFormat should work in the Mac, though.

In the Windows version, it is a tab on the AutoCorrect Options dialog.

Because I do not have a Mac, I cannot give better directions.

However, here is a link to a template that has two QAT buttons for AutoFormat and should work on your Mac. If it downloads as a document, not as a .dotx file, save it as a .dotx file. The template contains instructions on how to use it.

It places two AutoFormat buttons on your Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

Put the template in your Word Startup Folder. This link is to my page

  • Many thanks. Though I struggled a bit (for a start I had to find out what "QAT" meant) I managed to follow your instructions, and get Autoformat into the toolbar, and then to confirm that it successfully/magically activates the hundred or so URLs in a 45-page document of mine. Great! Commented Mar 29, 2022 at 10:21
  • Glad to have helped. I will try to clarify this for future readers. Did you use the template or did you add it directly yourself? Commented Mar 29, 2022 at 11:30
  • Hi Charles: I added it myself, once I'd found the Startup Folder. Being unfamiliar with WORD templates (and - as usual - getting little help from MS WORD for Mac's Help facilities), I did this rather blindly. Initially I was confused by your instruction: "To use this place it in your startup folder" -I was not sure what "this" and "it" referred to. But somehow , in just a few minutes, I got the right item into the right place, found WORD now had an Autoformat command, and that this command processed my document (containing about 180 URLs), first time exactly as I wanted. Thanks again. Commented Mar 30, 2022 at 13:03

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