Before the problem:

  • Windows 10 Home PC. OS build 19042.1526.
  • AMD Ryzen 7 2700X / nVIDIA GTX 1080ti

Sound output to a Yamaha RX-V375 AV receiver via HDMI cable from GPU on this setup.

This setup was working as expected for many months.

The problem:

A couple days ago Windows stopped seeing the receiver as "plugged in." It's still listed in the sound control panel but it's labeled "Not plugged in:"


I made no config changes prior to this stoppage of working.

Steps tried:

  • Replaced HDMI cable.
  • Tried all HDMI outputs on PC and inputs on receiver.
  • Switched from GPU to motherboard HDMI output.
  • Power-cycled everything.
  • Reset AV receiver to factory settings.
  • Connected to receiver via S/PDIF output. When using S/PDIF out receiver is detected and sound functions normally. So receiver appears operable probably. But I'd rather use HDMI.

Anything else I could try?

Any tools/techniques including command-line that could give better insight?

  • Check device manager, reinstall Nvidia driver, reinstall audio drivers Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 6:54

2 Answers 2


Try to go to Control panel>Device manager>select your computer press rmb select "scan for hardware changes".

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    – Community Bot
    Commented Sep 8, 2022 at 16:05

I had the same problem but had embarrassingly forgotten that in Windows 10 "Display Settings", I had disabled the AV receiver as an external monitor. I did this because most of the time I only use digital optical output for audio as I find it is more reliable if I'm only doing high definition stereo audio. While doing that, I sometimes disable the AVR "monitor" because there is no monitor connected to it, it's just for audio, and I don't want to waste GPU resources. It may be good to check if the monitor is disabled in "Display Settings" if this is still an issue for you.

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