I'm entering a list of timestamps from a video into Excel 2016. However, when I reach numbers above 24, Excel reacts like it's a 24 hour clock and changes my number. For example, if my timestamp is at 25:30, my cell will read 1:30. In the bar at the top, it reads "1900-01-01 1:30:00 AM." In the Format Cells window, it says that I have a custom format of h:mm.

When I change the format to number, a cell with an input of 25:30 reads as 1.06. When I change the format to text, it reads as 1.0625.

How do I format my cells to read as amounts of time instead of clock readings?

  • 1
    Format the cell as hh:mm:ss?
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Feb 15, 2022 at 20:28
  • Use a custom format: [h]:mm:ss Commented Feb 15, 2022 at 20:42
  • Did you check the cell format?
    – Lee
    Commented Feb 16, 2022 at 9:43

1 Answer 1


After reading the comments, I've landed on a solution. For times under 1 hour, I used the cell format [h]:mm, and for times over 1 hour, I used the cell format hh:mm:ss, since the original issue only applied to times over 24 minutes and under 1 hour.

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