I bought a Zyxel NAS 326 and configured my router to a static IP. (

After power loss, I can't connect to the NAS (the IP is not responding). Every time I need to disconnect physically the RJ45 cable and reconnect it, after this the NAS works fine / it gets IP from the router.

What is the solution for this?

(I'm not sure, but I think the NAS powers on faster that the router)

Thanks advanced

  • NAS powering on before the router doesn’t matter. The router will assign the IP to the NAS when it initializes
    – Ramhound
    Commented Feb 10, 2022 at 10:43
  • It is strange, that after disconnecting and connecting the RJ45 on the NAS side, everything works fine. :| (After power loss, the router and NAS starts automatically, but the NAS does not work - I mean that I can't connect to the NAS-, util I reconnect the RJ45 plug) Commented Feb 10, 2022 at 14:31

1 Answer 1


The problem I think it was, that:

on the NAS side I saved the IP configuration, but NOT on the Router side. (I thought I saved it)

The NAS seems to work now.

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