I am new to nix and nixos and I want to have the uuidgen command available. I don't see uuid-runtime and linux-utils didn't contained it. I don't see any specific documentation on how to get this command. Any help appreciated. I'm on MacOS using the nix package manager, and also have a linux machine.

  • I don't understand your tags of nixos and macos in the same question. Which is it? The Nix package manager can be used under macos but nixos is its own NON-APPLE distro that comes with the nix package manager as it's default and is entirely configured via the Nix package manager. The "OS" part is the giveaway. Commented Mar 6, 2022 at 23:06

1 Answer 1


uuidgen can be found in the libuuid package.

  • I like your answer (esp since other people didn't bother to answer it). Commented Mar 6, 2022 at 23:07

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