Please see the options underlined in red and green. If "Pixel" (red) refers to "Picture area", then what does "Comparison size" (green) mean?

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1 Answer 1


Often I have an "original" high-resolution digital photograph around 4000 x 3000 pixels, and from it I've created a lower-resolution "web scale" image downscaled to 400 x 300 pixels, a similar-looking 400 x 300 pixel image dithered to use 216 (obsolete) "web-safe colors" (lower color depth), and "the same" image in thumbnail form downscaled to around 80x60 pixels.

If I'm reading the "Find Similar Pictures" section of the manual correctly, you've selected one of the AllDup options to detect that all 4 of the above files are "similar" by creating a temporary 24x24 pixel image downscaled from each one, and then only comparing a 16x16 pixel square cut out of the the lower-right corner of each tiny image to corresponding 16x16 pixel squares from each of the other images.

p.s.: You can get answers much more quickly if you post a link to the manual for the software you're using. In this case, The AllDup Manual.

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