Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate Google Chrome to https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/7m8wlo/issues_with_nvidia_shield_controller_shield_tv/
  2. Use CTRL+f to search forward for "Try uninstalling Retroarch".
  3. Select that same text, click right mouse button, and try to select Copy link to highlight. Notice it is greyed out (meaning deactivated); see below screenshot.

enter image description here

Compare this to other sites such as SuperUser whereby this feature works: https://superuser.com/questions/61069/how-can-i-disable-selected-windows-7-keyboard-shortcuts#:~:text=return%22%20on%20its-,own%20line%20at%20the%20end,-of%20the%20script

I've tried many other Reddit pages and they all managed to cause Chrome to deactivate the Copy link to highlight feature.

I speculate that somehow the website itself can cause Chrome to deactivate that menu entry; is that the case here? If so, how do they manage to do that?

My version of the browser running on Microsoft Windows 10: Version 96.0.4664.93 (Official Build) (64-bit)

This defect also reproduces on Google Chrome running on Ubuntu Linux 20.04.

  • By now the feature works for me on your reddit example fragment. But not on this example: web.archive.org/web/20171213212419/http://… Commented Mar 6, 2022 at 19:02
  • 2
    Nobody is answering the question. They're trying to explain how to workaround it. The question is: Why is the menu item disabled? For example https://fintrac-canafe.canada.ca/guidance-directives/documents-prog/str/str-dod-api-eng Why is it ever disabled? Why would someone decide that i cannot create a link to some text inside an e-mail message inside my Gmail? Why is it ever disabled at all? Why do we need a Google Extension by Google to enable the functionality? Put it another way, Why does Google Chrome's "Copy link to highlight" feature not work on Reddit sites?
    – Ian Boyd
    Commented Jan 2 at 15:54
  • @IanBoyd The first quote in harrymc���s answer answers the question in your direct sense, to my reading. I’m confused you seem to have not seen it that way. Commented Jul 15 at 20:55
  • @AaronThoma His answer explains that there is a list inside Chrome; of sites where the user should be prevented from generating a Shared Highlighting link. The answer explains the existance of the feature and (in the past) how to disable it. We know that. "Why is Chrome block this?" "Because Chrome is blocking that." That's tautological. The question is: *why? Why is Chrome forcing me to do manually what it should do itself? It's kind of like "why does Chrome not let me save my password for with an invalid certificate? Which was the case until it got fixed.
    – Ian Boyd
    Commented Jul 16 at 14:03

3 Answers 3


Neither of these flags exist in Chrome anymore as of July 2024.

But this post answers the original question about the why.

Go to chrome://flags/#shared-highlighting-use-blocklist and set it to Disabled. This will fix the problem, as long as the Chrome developers do not decide to remove this option.

This setting is described as:

Uses a blocklist to disable Shared Highlighting link generation on certain sites where personalized or dynamic content or other technical restrictions make it unlikely that a URL can be generated and actually work when shared. – Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android


chrome://flags/#shared-highlighting-use-blocklist was lately deprecated, but perhaps was changed to chrome://flags/#shared-highlighting-refined-blocklist defined as:

Narrow the Blocklist for enabling Shared Highlighting. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, Fuchsia, Lacros

  • 3
    … aaand it’s gone – they did indeed decide to remove the option flag, as they always do … Commented Mar 6, 2022 at 18:58
  • I've accepted this answer, but later on N R's answer revealed that chrome://flags/#shared-highlighting-use-blocklist was indeed "removed" (or so it seems), but perhaps was changed to chrome://flags/#shared-highlighting-refined-blocklist. Could harrymc update this answer accordingly? ...
    – bgoodr
    Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 14:06
  • ... Also, I've verified that N R's answer is correct: My original post acts as a test case that I reused to prove that the Copy link to highlight context menu entry on that reddit page was disabled before I enabled the chrome://flags/#shared-highlighting-refined-blocklist flag.
    – bgoodr
    Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 14:06
  • Fine, I have added this to my answer.
    – harrymc
    Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 14:15
  • 1
    The #shared-highlighting-... options appear to have been removed from Chrome 121 btw.
    – Dai
    Commented Feb 9 at 5:36

Google’s Link to Text Fragment extension works more generally. Example: enter image description here generates http://web.archive.org/web/20171213212419/http://vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com/dump-register-to-file-without-open-td1170411.html#:~:text=open%2Fput%20is-,simpler which works.
(( Its automatic fragment generation is a bit more verbose than necessary: The highlighted word simpler is unique on the page, so the fragment link also works fine without the open/put is context: http://web.archive.org/web/20171213212419/http://vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com/dump-register-to-file-without-open-td1170411.html#:~:text=simpler ))

(Unfortunately, Google doesn’t let you remove the original Copy link to highlight context menu entry anymore.[reference] So adding the extension means a bit more clutter.)

Also unfortunately, according to my googling, the more advanced functionality of  automatically adding context (prefix-,-postfix) when required for unique identification  does not seem to be available in a bookmarklet. If you don’t need that functionality, you can use for example this bookmarklet:


from https://supple.com.au/tools/scroll-to-text-fragment-generator-bookmarklet/#:~:text=watch%20the%20video.-,Scroll%20To%20Text%20Fragment : enter image description here

Update: The following seems also removed, unfortunately, as of 2024.

Wanna know something cool? Chrome already ships with a working functionality for fragment addressing beyond text snippets – using some simple° CSS selector types. But you have to enable it manually at


and no tools seem to exist yet  for assisting in generating the fragment links.

A working example: https://github.com/WICG/scroll-to-text-fragment/blob/main/EXTENSIONS.md#:~:selector(type=CssSelector,value=img[src$="6fc30.png"])

It even supports :has(). (Which for normally applying CSS rules  is supported by Safari as the only browser so far. [Update: Every major browser has this, yay!!^_^ (Since between Sept. 2022 (Chromiums) and Dec. 2023 (Firefox).)] But you can use µBlock (or probably other tools) to inject°° CSS that uses :has().)

° for security reasons
°° (or alternative syntax)


  • This is very useful information. However, I'm choosing not to use it, at least for now, because your answer advocates installing one or more extensions. Under that scenario, I would have to pay an additional time-cost to cross-train with everyone that will want to resolve any "share links" I create. Paying that cost would be reasonable, actually, except I cannot predict who is going to click on those share links in the future. Yes, you could counter-argue that not all browsers and/or their multitude of versions cannot process them, and that is true, but I'm trying to be a minimalist.
    – bgoodr
    Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 14:10
  • @bgoodr Thanks! :) If by cross-training you mean that the recipients would also need the extension or bookmarklet: That is not the case. The links generated by these tools have the same format as the ones generated by Chrome. The feature is called text fragments and such links are recognized by all Chromium based browsers. But still not by Firefox, rip. (The link will still work, just not the jump and highlight.) For testing convenience, here’s an example text fragment link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ara#:~:text=Aurora Commented Jul 15 at 21:41

The flag that harrymc provided is no longer there.

But a new one has taken its place: chrome://flags/#shared-highlighting-refined-blocklist

After enabling it I was able to use the feature in Reddit (at least for now).

  • This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review Commented Aug 23, 2022 at 22:24
  • @RohitGupta However, N R's answer was very useful because I verified that chrome://flags/#shared-highlighting-refined-blocklist is available in my version of Chrome at the time of this writing (Version 104.0.5112.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)). But even though this answer does not provide an answer, it is still useful.
    – bgoodr
    Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 14:01

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