I've got a PHP project in Netbeand IDE. The IDE is connected over FTP to a web server, and I don't use any source control. So, I just write code on a PC, and after a while I synchronize it to the server via FTP. Normally, this is always working. In some cases when there are changes on the server, I accept the synchronization of that files too, so that changes will be downloaded from the server then.

Now I installed a composer package via SSH (using PuTTY). This means of course files have been changed and added on the server. So, I click Synchronize... in Netbeans IDE. Now I get errors in the synchronization window, below is an image:

enter image description here

Actually, all errors are of the same kind: "File must be merged before synchronization.". I don't know what to do and I don't understand the error. I can't find any help on the internet.

  • Why have you got both download and upload checked?
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Nov 29, 2021 at 20:10
  • I always do that, because I want to upload my changes I made locally, and at the same time I want to download the possible changes from the server. Commented Nov 29, 2021 at 20:13


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