When I boot it up. It shows CMOS checksum bad error and goes to bios. Then I have to exit from the Bois then it will boot as normal but with high brightness. this all happens after an upgrade (Sudo apt upgrade ). it shows that grub has been upgraded. why does it happen?

I tried upgrading again. and it install a new Linux header. But still, it doesn't work. I have win7 and ubuntu 18.04 LTS. In win7 the time is wrong everytime I boot it up.

1 Answer 1


You can try:

  • Installing Ubuntu 20, and if it still doesn't work, try install again Ubuntu 18.
  • Try removing the cmos battery for about 3 minutes and replace it, and if it still doesn't work try buy a new one. If you decide to replace it, go to bios and set correctly the time and data correctly.
  • I tried changing the time on bios (coz the time is not correct) But it doesn't work. I think I need to replace the battery. Why does it happen after an update of the grub boot loader (version 2.02)?
    – Jasil Ek
    Commented Oct 7, 2021 at 4:01

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