I experience issues with both Composer and Wordpress (npm doesn't seem to be affected 🤔) The error message from Composer is exactly https://repo.packagist.org could not be fully loaded (curl error 1 while downloading https://repo.packagist.org/packages.json: Protocol "https" not supported or disabled in libcurl), package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date

However, when I check my curl protocols settings curl -V I get that https is added to the Protocols list. I've tried to install curl from homebrew, both regular curl and openssl-curl (curl-openssl). The curl-openssl seems no longer relevant but I tried it just to deplete all options.
I exported the $PATH. I tried some while ago to install it from curl.haxx.se but either this issue started with that or very least it didn't resolve it.

I feel like I've tried everything from every forum, git discussion and blog posts that I could find but I haven't been able to solve it.

  • curl version Mac OS X: 7.64.1
  • curl version Brew: 7.78.0
  • OS: macOS Big Sur 11.4

Any help is really appreciated.


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