Consider that I have /etc/udev/rules.d/91-checkveracrypt.rules:

ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1234", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1234", RUN+="/home/user/tryveracrypt.sh"


for word in $DEVLINKS
  if [ "$word" == "$reqsubstr" ] ; then
     /usr/bin/su user -c '/bin/bash /home/user/mountveracrypt.sh'

And finally mountveracrypt.sh:

sudo veracrypt -t -k /home/user/key -p "" --pim=0 --protect-hidden=no /dev/disk/by-id/usb-AAAAA-0:0-part1 --slot=1 --verbose --non-interactive > /tmp/mount 2>&1

/usr/bin/veracrypt is in /etc/sudoers so veracrypt doesn't ask for password. Calling ./mountveracrypt.sh as user works fine. I understand tryveracrypt.sh is run as root, so I'm calling mountveracrypt.sh with su user so the mount is available to user.

If I try:

sudo su
exit (go back to user)
veracrypt -t -l

I get:

Error: No volumes mounted.

But sudo veracrypt -t -l gets:

1: /dev/disk/by-id/usb-AAAAA-0:0-part1 /dev/mapper/veracrypt1 /media/veracrypt1

Ok. Fine. Mounting as root, the volume is only available to root. What is annoying me is when I plug the USB and it runs /udev/rules.d/ script.

cat /tmp/mount:

Volume "/dev/disk/by-id/usb-AAAAA-0:0-part1" has been mounted.

veracrypt -t -l:

Error: No volumes mounted.

sudo veracrypt -t -l:

Error: No volumes mounted.

Why?? I can't access mount as user, not even as root. What am I missing?


I can't dismount the volume with veracrypt -d because veracrypt doesn't see it. I need to reboot the system to unplug.

Does udev/rules run in a different user than root? Although I used whoami and it shows root, and su user -c 'whoami' shows user as expected.

Also, I made a script in udev/rules to mount veracrypt, copy some files and dismount, and it works fine. I just can't access files and dismount veracrypt outside the script called from udev/rules.

  • 1
    Some ideas. 1. Does veracrypt supports access permissions in /etc/fstab? Perhaps you can archieve desired user permissions without running as root/sudo -c problems. 2. Does veracrypt support on-demand mounting via fstab with 'nofail' option? I use other encryption software, I manually call systemctl start mount point (with user permissions) when I plug external drive. Perhaps you can setup so user can manually mount and then add 'systemctl start mount_pount.mnt' in udev script. Commented Aug 18, 2021 at 4:32
  • I never set fstab configs with veracrypt or use it with --fs-options, but I'll try your ideas. It's still annoying because I can't dismount the volume with veracrypt -d because veracrypt doesn't see it. I need to reboot the system to unplug.
    – TNT
    Commented Aug 18, 2021 at 12:52


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