A number of answers describe how to modify properties of a wireless connection via nmcli (for example https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/316482/16821).

However, I don't know how to determine which parameter I should modify. There seem to be several options wep-key[0-4] and psk.

I am able to connect to wifi with no problem by passing the --ask option and entering the password manually.

Which parameter(s) to set?

1 Answer 1


All modern WPA-secured Wi-Fi networks use the psk parameter.

nmcli> describe wifi-sec.psk

Pre-Shared-Key for WPA networks. For WPA-PSK, it's either an ASCII passphrase of 8 to 63 characters that is (as specified in the 802.11i standard) hashed to derive the actual key, or the key in form of 64 hexadecimal character. The WPA3-Personal networks use a passphrase of any length for SAE authentication.

The four wep-key parameters are only used for the very obsolete WEP security mechanism.

nmcli> describe wifi-sec.wep-key0

Index 0 WEP key. This is the WEP key used in most networks. See the "wep-key-type" property for a description of how this key is interpreted.

  • even when I set that parameter I still get a message that >> Warning: password for '802-11-wireless-security.psk' not given in 'passwd-file' and nmcli cannot ask without '--ask' option. <<. I must have a different problem then. Thank you for your answer.
    – tjb
    Commented Jul 15, 2021 at 8:51
  • for some reason I am unable to accept your answer
    – tjb
    Commented Jul 15, 2021 at 8:52
  • To get to that interactive nmcli prompt, you can fx. do the following: nmcli con to list connections, and then edit one of them with nmcli con edit "Your connection name here". Even though you can use that prompt to get general info about how to configure a connection, it seems you can't just launch it without specifying a connection.
    – miyalys
    Commented Jun 25 at 8:40

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