I've been experimenting with verious typing techniques and I've just noticed that when I press three keys simultaneously then nothing happens. By simultaneously I really mean in quick succession but for a moment all three are impressed.

Example: the word define =def+in+e. def can be accomplished by pressing the three keys d+e+f with the finger taking d positioned lower than e and e lower than f so you have the right def order, the letters are close so you only use one hand and it looks a little like the way a stenographer types. It'd effortless and takes a fraction of a second.

I know the keyboard I use is capable of sending the signals, I used an oscilloscope and the keyboard doesn't care how many keys are pressed in. A signal is sent for every key pressed and seperate signals for when a key is released.

I use Windows, tried Mozilla web browser, Ms Word, Notepad and they all fail to process triple keys. Why is this limitation imposed?



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