So I am having some problems routing traffic through TOR & VPN.

My first issue:After installing anonsurf and routing all traffic through Tor in Kali everything works fine. However when I have my firewall enabled (gufw) anonsurf will not work when I try to surf the web. It cuts all traffic off to the internet. Does anyone know what the issue is here and why I can't have anonsurf running as well as my firewall at the sametime?

My second issue is if I start anonsurf routing all traffic through tor after boot and then try to log in to my VPN (nord) I cannot connect to my VPN. The VPN only works if I do not have anonsurf enabled. If I start the VPN first and try to start anonsurf afterwards I get an error on anonsurf saying couldn't modify resolv.conf operation not permitted. Is it possible to run anonsurf and a VPN at the same time and if so how would I properly do that?

1 Answer 1


Anonsurf uses Tor iptables to anonymize the whole system. Running another firewall like gufw results in contradictions.

Running a VPN over Tor is almost always a bad thing to do. The VPN would punch a tunnel through Tor effectively negating Tor Anonymity.

Running Tor over a VPN is acceptable, but the way you're trying to do it is to have anonsurf overide your VPN.

The easiest way to perform anonymous surfing is to use TBB. The Tor Browser Bundle is already configured to provide strong anonymity and will work well directly or through a VPN.

  • So does TBB route all internet traffic through the Tor system?
    – Rideboards
    Commented Apr 28, 2021 at 18:06
  • @Rideboards - No, TBB routes all Tor Browser traffic, including DNS, through Tor. Commented Apr 28, 2021 at 19:56
  • So what exactly is TBB? Is TBB just the tor-browser? I did a search to download TBB and it just seems to be the torbrowser. Can you explain the differences, if there are any & provide a link to if possible. As far as a VPN with tor. The correct route would be to start VPN first then open tor browser?
    – Rideboards
    Commented May 1, 2021 at 3:19
  • @Rideboards - TBB is a Browser configured not to leak information and supports various security/privacy levels, coupled with the Tor agent to provide Tor connections for all Tor Browser activity. tb-manual.torproject.org/about . Yes VPN first then TBB, but generally you don't need the VPN. Commented May 1, 2021 at 5:00

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