As per subject, suppose I have two consecutive TimeMachine local snapshots on my Mac: is there a way to e.g. mount both them and compare ? I.e. to know what files have been changed from the between the former and the latter snapshot ?

1 Answer 1


The tmutil command-line tool has a compare option that does this.

Give it the file paths to the two snapshot folders on the backup volume to compare. It will be easier to cd to the backup parent, then just specify the snapshots.

For example:

cd "/Volumes/Backup Disk/Backups.backupdb/Ipinak's Mac"
tmutil compare 2016-03-27-101112 2016-03-26-174321


The simplest command compares the most recent Time Machine snapshop with what is currently on the Mac:

tmutil compare
  • Thanks Harry, this might do for my needs, though I was aiming at comparing local snapshots and it seems tmutil compare won't work with those. Anyway, I learned of this command's existence with your answer so, though it's going to take some time (first full backup to USB disk plus subsequent ones I need to compare), I will eventually try those. Thanks!
    – develox
    Commented Mar 19, 2021 at 16:34

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