I have Firefox version 85.0.2-r1, but I am unable to use containers. I tried to install the multi-account container add-on, but I see nothing. I'm using Gentoo Linux.

www-client/firefox-85.0.2-r1:0/85::gentoo  USE="clang gmp-autoupdate openh264 pulseaudio system-av1 system-harfbuzz system-icu system-jpeg system-libevent system-libvpx system-webp -dbus -debug -eme-free -geckodriver -hardened -hwaccel -jack -lto -pgo -screencast (-selinux) -wayland -wifi" L10N="en-GB -ach -af -an -ar -ast -az -be -bg -bn -br -bs -ca -ca-valencia -cak -cs -cy -da -de -dsb -el -en-CA -eo -es-AR -es-CL -es-ES -es-MX -et -eu -fa -ff -fi -fr -fy -ga -gd -gl -gn -gu -he -hi -hr -hsb -hu -hy -ia -id -is -it -ja -ka -kab -kk -km -kn -ko -lij -lt -lv -mk -mr -ms -my -nb -ne -nl -nn -oc -pa -pl -pt-BR -pt-PT -rm -ro -ru -si -sk -sl -son -sq -sr -sv -ta -te -th -tl -tr -trs -uk -ur -uz -vi -xh -zh-CN -zh-TW" 27 KiB

What I did:

  • Installed add-on above.
  • Pressed Ctrl + . (without plus key, just control then period).
  • Right click on a tab to see if there is any container related menu.

But I see nothing.

1 Answer 1


Open Settings → General and make sure Enable Container Tabs is visible and checked. That confirms that containers are enabled.

  • Right-click the + button that opens a new tab. A container choice menu should appear.
  • Right-click menu of an existing tab should have a Reopen in Container item.
  • Extension's button in the navigation bar should also provide access to these features.
  • Configuring a site to always open in a container is available through the button too.
  • Do I also have to have the add-on? Or does it work without any add-ons?
    – caveman
    Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 11:44
  • @caveman IIRC if you don't have any addons that make use of containers, that checkbox will disappear from Settings altogether.
    – gronostaj
    Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 11:48
  • Right, I see that when add-on is installed, but I do not see "Reopen in Container" item on right-menu of tabs, nor the right-menu on +.
    – caveman
    Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 11:54

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