I have about 2000 media files that I run through Plex on my laptop, which has stereo speakers. The problem is most of these files have the audio track distributed through 6 surround channels, which results in very low playback volume.

I know I could use ffmpeg with a few different available algorithms to reencode those files, but that would be an ever bigger problem, as my library is constantly being expanded and enhanced.

Is there any way to configure Windows 10's audio drivers to do this downmixing on a lower level?

I'll leave a Speccy snapshot of my system here as it may help.

  • 5.1->Stereo is not the issue. There is so little in the rears & sub compared to the rest that it ought to average as 'stereo with the centre a bit quiet, sometimes' ie, perfectly comprehensible with slightly wider perception than a well-tempered 5.1..
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Feb 22, 2021 at 19:20
  • I'm sorry, but I'm not that well versed in audio therms, so I didn't quite understand your words. What I can say is that my media files are Scene releases, which have very tight audio and video standards, and that I don't face similar issues with other sources, such as games, youtube videos or similar sourced stereo files in my library. Commented Feb 22, 2021 at 19:37
  • I don't know what a 'scene release' is.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Feb 22, 2021 at 19:43
  • wikiwand.com/en/Standard_(warez) Commented Feb 22, 2021 at 19:45
  • if it's a pirated copy, then blame the people who transcoded it from the original. We cannot help you with "warez".
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Feb 22, 2021 at 19:46


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