I'm trying to transfer a directory of files from my local Windows 10 machine to the remote machine in Google Cloud. I'm following this tutorial to connect WinSCP to the GCP.

But in step 7 I have to specify the path of my private key file and I do not really understand where it's supposed to come from (does it the key that generated earlier with keygen-tool in the remote machine?) enter image description here

I tried to generate a new key with PuTTYgen but it did not help.

enter image description here

What should I do to connect my local computer to the remote server?



1 Answer 1


It seems that you have some confusion about the private key.

Follow the WinSCP guide for Connecting to Google Compute Engine server. In short:

  • Use PuTTYgen tool to generate new key.
  • Enter your GCE username to Key comment box.
  • Copy a contents of Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file to the clipboard (note that the contents includes your username);
  • Go to Metadata page of your project on Google Cloud Platform;
  • Go to SSH Keys tab;
  • Add your key and save.

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