I'm writing a program that needs to calculate the "size" of a string of characters. The customer provided a table of about a thousand characters and their sizes. The entire table is an image, so I cannot copy and paste text from it. My problem is that I cannot identify four of the characters:

unknown characters

I drew the characters at https://shapecatcher.com/ but did not find a match. These characters are the only four out of a thousand that didn't have an obvious unicode representation.

Do these characters have a unicode representation, and if so, how do I find it?

  • What about if not? See what the image owner suggests or what they can tell about image source detail. Can you not just make something up if that's acceptable i.e. right round bracket horizontal scan line, right square bracket horizontal scan line, ..., .... Only 4 out of 1000 that are unknown isn't too bad! Perhaps the "unknown" could even be called "unknown" or "TBD", etc. Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 19:51
  • Maybe... Alchemical symbol for trident: 🝑 or... Element of with long horizontal stroke: ⋲... probably not but this one is cool Cross pommee with half-circle below: 🕁 jack in a bottom half circle... I just made the jack part up! Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 19:52

2 Answers 2


Could they be standard parentheses and square brackets characters with "strike-through" attribute set, as shown below in LibreOffice Writer? (Note that I left it set for the spaces between, too.)

Strike-through characters


Closest thing I can find is bracket with quill: ⁅, which doesn't match the horizontal line being through the entire bracket as in the picture.

If those are indeed UTF-8 symbols I would expect to also find "parenthesis with quill" to match the bracket.

This might be a situation where it's best to just ask the client for clarification.

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