I have a Windows machine at home that is using my Microsoft account, and I login using PIN. How do I RDP to that machine?

In the RDP client, there is no option to sign in using PIN, only password. When I tried to use my MS account + password, it says "The logon attempt failed".

I know I can disable the option "Require Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft accounts", and just remove the Hello PIN altogether, but I would like to sign in using PIN when I'm using the machine, but at the same time allow me to RDP using either PIN, or username+password.

How do I:

  1. Set the RDP client to sign in using PIN?
  2. Or... how do I enable the Windows machine to enable login with both PIN and username+password?

This is all at home settings, no AD, no domain-joined, both the host (Windows 10 Professional) and client (Mac) is at home in the same network.

  • see if it's helpful to you: social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/…
    – Gloria Gu
    Commented Jan 19, 2021 at 9:22
  • 2
    I believe it’s part of the PIN concept that it can only be used on the device itself. If it could used over the network, that would be a tremendous security issue.
    – Daniel B
    Commented Jun 8, 2021 at 11:31
  • Interestingly, Chrome Remote Desktop lets you use the PIN, over the network. Of course, CRD has a couple of separate authentication steps as well (your Google account, and a host-specific password).
    – huyz
    Commented Mar 30, 2023 at 7:20

5 Answers 5


Might be late to the party, but I found this post because I was having the same issue. Same environment and same machines

What I did was go to Settings -> Remote Desktop

Under the User Accounts header, select Select users that can remotely access this PC

In the popup, click Add and then click Advanced and finally click Find Now

Scroll through the list until you find your name and email address that are in the folder for what your PC is named (Farid-PC, Desktop-W7283 or something similar)

Select the user, and then click OK on all the open windows.

You should now be able to RDP to the machine using your Live email address and password

  • worked for me as well. Commented May 2, 2023 at 6:30

I know you mentioned that you are using a Mac for the client, but I'm going to assume that Microsoft's RDP client for Mac has a feature similar to the client on Windows that addresses this. I don't have access to a Mac to test.

If you're using the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection program mstsc.exe, go to the Advanced tab then click the checkbox for "Use a web account to sign in to the remote computer". When you connect a window will open to allow you to enter your credentials.

Screenshot of the Advanced tab in the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection program for Windows

  • Saved my life, saved my day, God bless you. Commented Jan 5 at 13:51

Windows 10 professional and higher have Remote Desktop server abilities. Windows 10 Home does not.

According to this forum post, the RDP doesn't play well with Windows Hello. You are probably better off using a traditional password. Here is some more information that could help.


I found the reason to be that my Microsoft account was switched to passwordless, so in doing so, RDP asks for a password, even if you have it set to pin/smartcard on the actual machine, so without re-adding the password, it will always say invalid password.

  • 1
    Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Nov 22, 2023 at 21:46

Try logging in with a regular account password, after the login fails you still should be able to see the windows login screen (if you entered the correct password). I am connecting to azure so it says: "The sign-in method you are trying to use isn't allowed...", Click OK button, and try looking for "Sign-in options" button. Then it will give you option to login with pin. Type in Windows Hello Pin and you should be able to enter.

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