A few weeks ago I multi-booted my computer with Ubuntu, Windows 7 and Windows 10. It has been working fine until now. Here is the issue:

  1. I turn on my computer and the GRUB 2 OS select screen appears. There are the following options (I have excluded Ubuntu advanced options etc.):
    • Ubuntu
    • Windows recovery options
    • Windows 10
  2. I choose Windows 10 and Windows 10's OS select screen comes up. It has these options:
    • Windows 10 Pro
    • Windows 7 Home Premium
    • Ubuntu
  3. When I choose any option the computer restarts and I am back on the GRUB menu. The only way to boot Windows is to choose Windows recovery options from GRUB menu. When I do that the Windows version (7 or 10) that I chose on step 2 (that is, if I chose a windows version on step 2) boots. How can I make it so that the option I choose on step 2 boots straight away when I choose it Windows menu?

EDIT: My computer has a BIOS, not a UEFI

EDIT 2: This issue happened after I did an auto fix using the Windows installation media. Before that I couldn't boot Windows at all.

  • Have you compared the entries for recovery and non-recovery entries in Grub? Unless configured otherwise using e (IIRC) you should be able to see and edit the currently selected boot entry. As it stands this question has too little information to answer beyond pure guessing. Commented Jan 10, 2021 at 0:26
  • 1
    @ArcaEgeCengiz edit your question and add the part of grub config file relating to those entries
    – Madhubala
    Commented Jan 10, 2021 at 2:11
  • also check this out : askubuntu.com/a/758632
    – Madhubala
    Commented Jan 10, 2021 at 2:11
  • What do you mean @0xC0000022L? Commented Jan 11, 2021 at 20:19
  • @ArcaEgeCengiz I don't know how to be clearer. But your comment suggests that the Windows "fix" is causal to the issue, so I suggest you boot your Ubuntu media, mount the root, /boot, /dev, /proc etc in order to chroot into it and then install GRUB from within Ubuntu ... Commented Jan 11, 2021 at 20:44


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