At my home, I have 2 PCs from our client company (I don't have better windows images and I would prefer not changing them, at least the windows 10 image/PC):

PC Windows SQL server SSMS IP
1 7, version 6.1, build 7601 sp1 2014 (installation in progress) not yet
2 10, version1803, build17134.345 2017 18.1

The final goal: to have the PC1 act as a sql server and PC2 as a client (that can access the server's dbs). Update1: I want an application from PC2 to be able to change data from the PC1's db.

The problem: I don't know what the username/PC/workgroup should look like in the Database Engine Configuration screen (especially in the SQL Server administration section). I had tried the followings:

  • WORKGROUP\(PC2 username) I get: an object cannot be found
  • (PC2Name)\(PC2 username) I get: an object cannot be found
  • \\(PC2Name)\(PC2 username) I get: the following name is not valid... To specify an object on a computer, use the following format: computer\item. To specify a computer, use the following format: \\computer UPDATE1: Would this (addition of a user from PC2) suffice in order to allow applications from PC2 to change data on PC1?

enter image description here

Q: Why are the machines so different? A: That's all I get for the moment from our client company. (I'm trying to access the inferior with something superior, which I believe/hope it should work)

As side notes:

  1. although I have the file and printer sharing started on both machines, when ping-ing the PC2 from PC1 I get "Reply from Destination host unreachable" - I don't know how/if this will influence the ability for the PC2 to connect to PC1.
  2. both PCs are in the same workgroup (right click on PC > Properties);
  3. on both PCs I had shared some folders and I can see them from the other PC;
  4. these 2 PCs are in a separate network at my home (they are both connected only to a router, which is not connected to internet)

Thank you!

  • A few things to check in SQL Server Configuration Manager. Are the SQL services running? Under client protocols, are TCP/IP and Named Pipes enabled? Is the TCP/IP port set to 1433? Do you have any firewalls turned on? Is the instance named? i.e. did you call it hostname\SQL2k16? Or did you not specify an instance name? Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 22:04
  • @spikey_richie on PC1 I hadn't finished the installation
    – radui
    Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 22:28
  • @spikey_richie on PC2, the SQL Server Agent wasn't running, and I started it
    – radui
    Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 22:30
  • @spikey_richie on PC2, the TCP/IP and Named Pipes are enabled (both in SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration (32 bit) and in SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration)
    – radui
    Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 22:30
  • @spikey_richie - the Default Port is set to 1433 (in both of the above locations)
    – radui
    Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 22:30


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