I'm running MacOS X Catalina. To be able to connect to an HFS volume created by QEMU I tried

sudo mount -t hfs qemuhdd.raw /tmp/os9vm

I got the following error:

GetMasterBlock: Error 25 getting block size
GetMasterBlock: Error 25 getting block size
mount_hfs: error on mount(): error = -1.
mount_hfs: Block device required
mount: /private/tmp/os9vm failed with 1

This is exactly the command given in this article, written in October 2017, so I can only guess that MacOS X does not allow mounting to HFS volumes anymore. Any hints on what I can do?

  • This is really not my strong suit, but I'm guessing that you can't mount to a protected System location. Why don't you just let it mount to /Volumes, like normal?
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Dec 17, 2020 at 17:54
  • Thanks for your suggestion, but it doesn't work: sudo mount -t hfs qemuhdd.raw /Volumes/qemuhdd/ GetMasterBlock: Error 25 getting block size GetMasterBlock: Error 25 getting block size mount_hfs: error on mount(): error = -1. mount_hfs: Block device required mount: /Volumes/qemuhdd failed with 1 Same problem…
    – yannis
    Commented Dec 18, 2020 at 17:08
  • Hmm… It's going to be that the boot drive is protected, even from 'root' or sudo from being written to. Maybe have a look at eclecticlight.co/2019/10/08/macos-catalina-boot-volume-layout to see what's protected & what you might be able to use. It's not that the disk is HFS, it's where you're trying to mount it.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Dec 18, 2020 at 17:23


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