when I type man qmail I get No manual entry for qmail. I would like to be able to type man qmail and one screen opens up that includes all the man sections for qmail.

Is there a way I can open up man1, man5, man7, man8 all at once and then make that command an alias so that I type in "man qmail" and all the documentation related to qmail opens up?

This article was useful on man knowledge

Same with this image:

Man page segmentation diagram

  • 1
    Lesson 0: man man. It should read "the default action is to search in all of the available sections […], and to show only the first page found". This means if man qmail is telling you No manual entry for qmail then it's giving you all manual pages for qmail it knows of: namely zero. Is man -a (e.g. man -a intro) good enough? It should give you "all the man sections for", not as "one screen" though. Commented Dec 1, 2020 at 5:34

1 Answer 1


To directly answer the question: man -a (whatever) may be what you're looking for - this will sequentially and interactively bring up all man pages that match the text you enter, but it will likely bring up way more than you actually wanted.

But your problem is different. Your error message indicates that you have no manpages for qmail available.

First, ensure that the appropriate manpage packages are installed via yum. For CentOS 6 these are the packages man man-pages. For 7 and 8, use man-pages man-db man.

If those commands installed anything, try man qmail again.

One thing to note about qmail, is that its documentation is spread out since qmail uses multiple different segmented applications to handle mail delivery. man qmail will bring up the top-level documentation, and therein you'll be given the names of the other programs which have their own pages such as qmail-control and qmail-read.

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