With oVirt node and engine VM installed, I've added my qcow2 image to the export domain (/nfs/export). I've tried in both the base dir of export domain, and also in the following (where /nfs/export/5d1713e7-4299-418a-9768-d5c138357252 is when export domain is loaded into oVirt):


I don't really see anywhere else that I think would make sense, and none of them resulted in an image showing up when trying to import VM in oVirt Admin Portal from the export domain.

1 Answer 1


Apparently, you don't need to put the qcow2 image in the export domain.

Instead you can just go to (in Admin Portal):

"Storage" -> "Disks", then in top right press "Upload" and choose "Start" from the drop-down menu. Then you choose the qcow2 file from the location on your local computer, not the machine running oVirt.

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