My application connects to a database over JDBC, and performs a lot of sequential inserts. There is only 1 JDBC connection opened by the application. As the performance is not as expected, I started to check the socket status using ss -to4 and filtering for my database IP.

What I notice is, every few seconds, I see some data in the ss output

ESTAB  0   <some non zero value>  <source ip>:<port> <db ip>:<db port> timer:(on,192ms,0)

The timer starts with initial value of 204ms and reduces down to 0. And there are no retransmissions (retrans is 0 max). When I do a packet capture and check on Wireshark, there are no TCP retransmissions or fast retransmissions.

If the connection is stable, and if there are no retransmissions, why does the timer start?


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