I have saw this post but I can't figure out anyway.

I have a folder syncronized with OneDrive that when I try to open it, it says the error "The tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid". If I try to delete it nothing happens. I tried to remove it also with the command rmdir /S and del /R /F but it still fails with the error.

How I can delete that dir?

I tried also the solution mentioned in the other post.

  • Why don't you try what the OP in the linked post did? Even if we didn't find out what fixed it, it got fixed.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Nov 1, 2020 at 9:52
  • Yeah I tried it. But it didn't work.
    – alex3025
    Commented Nov 1, 2020 at 9:53
  • a) You should include that information in your question. b) What part of it did you try? it has a series of tests that could take half a day to complete & says sometimes you need to run it twice. If you didn't follow exactly what it says, then it's an invalid result.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Nov 1, 2020 at 9:55
  • I ran all the test once. So I'm going to do all the tests again?
    – alex3025
    Commented Nov 1, 2020 at 9:59
  • Did you follow all the instructions to the letter, cold boot, power drain, safe mode, reboot after tests…?
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Nov 1, 2020 at 15:28

2 Answers 2


To solve this, reboot your pc in command prompt mode and type chkdsk /F.

  • Make sure you run chkdsk /F on the drive letter that is having the problem. Most likely it is c drive but for me I had to run it on my d drive. And you can run chkdsk /F from a command prompt and it will schedule the chkdsk on the next restart (you don't have to reboot into command prompt mode). Commented May 12, 2021 at 12:36
  • 1
    Amazed how unstable OneDrive continues to be. I made the cardinal sin of renaming a shortcut added to OneDrive (new feature). Ended up with copy of the folder. However, whilst chkdsk reported some errors, chkdsk /f alone didn't work. Currently trying chkdsk /f /r which of course takes a lot longer Commented Jul 19, 2021 at 22:08
  • Doing chkdsk on a drive messed up by OneDrive does NOT help in my case. Commented Sep 20, 2021 at 6:23

My own very late answer is similar to that of alex3025. The main change was that I ran two other procedures before running chckdsk.

The folder was on my desktop and this was backed up on OneDrive (i.e. the path was something like *\Onedrive\Desktop\FOLDERtoDELETE)

The entire process was:

  1. Run Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM.exe) as an admin
    (win to open the Start menu> > start searching for "dism" > choose "Run as Administrator" from the left pane or right-click and choose this option): RunDISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
    Note: This step may take a few minutes to start and up to 30 minutes to complete. It also got stuck in the middle on the same percentage for about 10 minutes. Don't close the cmd window when you're done.
  2. While still in the same cmd window, Run System File Checker:
    sfc /scannow
    Note: This step may take a few minutes to start and up to 45 minutes to complete.
  3. Run Checkdisk with the Fix and Recover parameters:
    chkdsk /f /r
    Note: You will have to restart the computer, as chkdsk is run before lodaing up the main components of Windows
  4. If the file is also stored on your cloud and sync is enabled, I would suggest that you delete it online sometime prior to the next step. In my case I went to OneDrive online and deleted the bugger.
  5. While pressing SHIFT, delete the file directly to avoid the Recycle Bin.

before that, I had already tried several other methods described here and on Microsoft support and community support pages.

Through Safe Mode with both cmd and Powershell (using the Force argument in both of them, and after having taking ownership of the directory and all the sub-directories. Also through the Command Prompt Startup Mode, executing DEL /F /S/ Q "filename".

Nothing worked.

In the windows GUI I get no errors at all and via cmd and powershell I always got the above error message.

  • 1
    Did steps 1 through 3 and it made my folder accessible again. Commented Aug 29, 2022 at 21:51

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