Migrating from ConEmu to the new Windows Terminal, and looking for behavior similar to NewConsole.

For reference, I'm running a bat file containing the following in ConEmu:

cmd /c ".\Sample1.bat" -new_console:b:c
cmd /c ".\Sample2.bat" -new_console:b:c
cmd /c ".\Sample3.bat" -new_console:b:c

Which will open three separate tabs in ConEmu and execute the different bat files.

Can this be replicated in Terminal?

1 Answer 1


As of 2020-09-22, the answer is no. ConEmu must replace or patch cmd.exe to get that syntax to work. I doubt Windows Terminal will ever do such a thing.

However, it looks like the Windows Terminal team is working on a similar functionality: Add support for wt.exe to run commands in an existing Terminal Window #4472. But no scheduled release date, and it will work differently. You would have to execute WT with options to open a tab in the existing terminal window and run the cmd process.

At this point the only thing that might work for you is a graphical windows scripting utility like AutoIT.

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