I would appreciate some pointers or help for my particular situation: (apologies if I mistake any terminology)

The situation

I have a desktop computer on location A running linux where I am doing development (from docker containers but I don't know if that is relevant to this question) and the results of this is a webserver running on using something similar to flask.

I can connect to this computer from another computer running windows in location B through a VPN. The tools I have in my windows computer are SuperPutty and Visual Studio Code. With superPutty I can run a terminal on computer A from computer B where I can access all the necessary commands (docker, running the python scripts etc). With Visual Studio Code I can do development on A from B without problem.

In the past I have tried to do Remote Desktop from B to A but have failed.

My question

Running the python-flask scripts in computer A produces a web server that I can visualize with a browser in computer A (when I am physically present in location A)

I want to see these results from computer B (while in location B). How can I accomplish this?

  • Does this help? makeuseof.com/tag/remote-control-linux-windows Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 2:53
  • Unfortunately I have tried Remote Desktop and failed. Is there any other option? Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 7:05
  • I don't get this. If you are running a VPN, why can't you just point the browser at the remote VPN endpoint to get the site?
    – davidgo
    Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 8:56
  • so if I point the browser to that IP, I get what in the machine would be Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 13:24


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