I have a ssh server set up with bitvise. My internet provider is Comcast and recently they had to change the lines so the internet was down. This server has been working for 2-3 years flawlessly. Now my issue is that the first time I connect to the server I am successful but any other attempts are not.

Bitvise does not see the 2nd attempted connection so I am trying to figure out what is going on. If my windows firewall is blocking it, is there somewhere I can see that? Is comcast known to allow one connection than block it forever afterwards? Any tips on where to get started? Comcast support is non existent so I am not sure what to do.

  • Connection works first time only, than the IP seems to get blocked
  • Port 48300 and set up to forward to the server
  • Windows 7
  • Bitvise SSH Server

1 Answer 1


Figured out Comcast was blocking it from their site not the router. On the Comcast/xfinity site they have a security warning. Clicking through the warning you finally get to a page that shows the blocked connections with details. You can get to a page with the option to unblock the accounts for a maximum of 30 days at a time. The link for me was here: https://internet.xfinity.com/network/security/device/someLongNumberHere/threat-history/REMOTE_ACCESS

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